
Tom Cartwright yn sgwrsio hefo Steff Rees o Bwca ar Y Sioe Gymraeg am ei albwm newydd sbon sydd allan ac ar gael i’w brynnu rwan ar CD! Cyfle i glywed ychydig o hanes yr albwm, cwpwl o draciau oddi arni, a’i blaniau ar gyfer y dyfodol. Gallwch ymuno hefo’r Sioe Gymraeg pob nos Lun […]

On Monday 4th May Radio Bronglais is launching a brand new daily Request Show for patients and staff in Bronglais Hospital. The show will play song requests and read out messages from patients and staff between 12pm and 2pm every weekday, and is also encouraging those outside the hospital to get in touch with dedications […]

Bu tair disgybl o adran gerddoriaeth Ysgol Penglais yn ymweld â Sam a Tom ar y Sioe Brunch i berfformio yn fyw yn ogystal a rhoi gwybod i ni am berfformiadau y maent wedi cymryd rhan ynddynt, a’r rhai sydd i ddod yn fuan. Cafodd Sam a Tom hefyd gyfle i ddysgu sut i chwarae’r […]

COMPETITION TIME                       CYSTADLEUAETH To have the chance to win 2 FREE TICKETS to see Dom Pipkin at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre this Friday, answer this simple question: “Name 2 famous artists Dom has played with as a session player.” The winner will be selected at random from all correct […]

Our very own Gemma was fortunate (and brave) enough to interview one of the second violinists from the BBC National Orchestra of Wales when they came to Aberystwyth on Thursday 16th March 2017. Gemma then attended the performance, and was blown away! You can catch Gemma’s interview below. http://www.rbfmlive.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Gemma-Interviews-Naomi-Thomas-BBC-National-Orchestra-of-Wales-16-03-17.mp3

  • Tudalennau

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Trac cyfredol

