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Listen in as Bobby interviews a parent of children at Penglais Comprehensive school that was broadcast on Brunch 11/09/2017 Also including is a poem read by Joy who came on the show to let us know about the R.S Thomas and Poetry competition on the 15th til the 17th of September 2017 at St Michael’s […]
People have been raising concerns following reports that more than 400 pupils at Ysgol Penglais were given detention on their first day back for breaking school uniform rules. A parent told RB FM: “we were sent out questionnaires last year about the new uniform, as far as I’m aware, most parents were against changing the […]
Chris Lewis is an X-forces Paratrooper who is walking the entire coastline of the UK for SSAFA. Here is an interview with Chris on Radio Bronglais.
Listen in on Brunch as Bobby has a chat with MP Ben Lake.
Listen in a Bobby interviews the incredibly talented Kirsten Osbourne in the midst of her summer performances locally.
Listen in as Bobby speaks to relatives of the people that live at Bodlondeb, two members of the Save Bodlondeb steering group as well as callers into the show.
RB FM were the first group to interview Ben Lake after he announced his candidacy for the 2017 General Election. Ben went on to win the election to become the Plaid Cymru MP for Ceredigion. Now, Ben Lake MP returns to RB FM to chat to Bobby on Brunch about his experiences during the first […]
Lindsey Gaunt, from the Aberystwyth group dedicated to supporting and raising awareness of refugees, came in on Friday’s Brunch Show to talk to Al and Bobby about what Aberaid has achieved so far, and what it is looking to achieve in the future:
On Thursday 6th July, Al Frean chatted with Councillor Alun Williams about the new free weekend travel scheme being launched by the Welsh government:
On Thursday 6th July, Al Frean chatted with Councillor Alun Williams about the new changes being implemented by Hywel Dda Health Board in Ceredigion regarding adult mental health services: